South Lane County Fire and Rescues Board Meeting for August 20th has been cancelled due to no quorum.
The next Tenative Board meeting is scheduled for September 17th at 6:00pm. This will be a virtual meeting due to COVID-19 restrictions.
What is a HEARTSafe Community?
Our HEARTSafe Community program is a set of criteria and guidelines designed to improve outcomes to sudden cardiac arrest emergencies through a specific set of training, preparation and response protocols.
This criteria supports the cardiac arrest “chain of survival” and encourages communities to put that chain of survival into action. Activities include:
· Widespread CPR instruction
· Public access defibrillators
· Aggressive resuscitation protocols for first responders and area hospitals
Communities that strive to become “heart safe” must meet the criteria established by the Citizen CPR Foundation. Upon completion, they receive signage and official recognition as a HEARTSafe Community to demonstrate a commitment to citizen health and safety.
To schedule CPR training please complete our CPR Training Request Form HERE
South Lane County Fire and Rescues Board Meeting for August 20th has been cancelled due to no quorum.
The next Tenative Board meeting is scheduled for September 17th at 6:00pm. This will be a virtual meeting due to COVID-19 restrictions.
EFFECTIVE 12:01a.m. PDT, June 16, 2020
In accordance with ORS 478.960, I hereby proclaim the following fire restrictions are in effect until such time as it is deemed safe to remove them, or if not specifically removed in writing by the Fire Chief of SLCFR, when, and on such date and time, as LRAPA declares the legal start of open burning in Lane County:
The following restrictions apply within the City of Cottage Grove, City of Creswell, and any lands within the SLCFR District boundaries, not protected by the Western or Eastern Lane Districts of ODF.
Fire Danger Adjective Class is as follows:
Low= Green: Activity permitted all day
Moderate= Blue: Activity permitted until 1:00 p.m. and after 8:00 p.m.
High= Yellow: Activity permitted until 10:00 a.m. and after 8:00 p.m.
Red= Extreme: Activity prohibited
The Fire Chief or an authorized representative of SLCFR may, in writing, approve a modification or waiver of these requirements.
These restrictions shall remain in effect until replaced, suspended, or terminated by an additional proclamation of the SLCFR Fire Chief or an authorized representative.
South Lane Fire and Rescue June 16, 2020
There will be no Board Meeting in July 2020 the next Board Meeting is TBD for August 2020
Meeting Notice
South Lane County Fire & Rescue will be holding a Budget Hearing on June 18th, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. at the Head Quarters Station, located at 233 E. Harrison Avenue in Cottage grove. This meeting is to review and adopt the budget for fiscal year 2020/2021.
Call to Order President Joel Higdon
Roll Call Leesa Martindale
Roll Call Leesa Martindale
Minutes from Previous Meeting(s) President Joel Higdon
April 16, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2020 Special Board Meeting Minutes
Resolution 20-13 adopting budget 2020-21
Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(b) to discuss the possible discipline of a public officer.
Return to Open Session: Possible adjournment or possible Board Discussion or vote regarding the discipline of a public officer.
A ground ambulance transport in the South Lane County area will cost more than $1,800, and an air ambulance more than $18,000, unless you have FireMed! Health insurance may cover 20-50%. Learn more...
Administration and Headquarters
233 Harrison Ave
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
tel: (541) 942-4493
fax: (541) 942-3367
Business Hours: 8 am to 5 pm Mon-Fri