Fire Prevention

Be sure to check out NFPA's Fire Prevention page HERE!
They have tons of great information and excellent videos!

South Lane County Fire & Rescue provides the following services related to fire prevention:
Public Education
SLCF&R offers a variety of educational activities to inform the public about fire prevention and life safety initiatives.
Review of development projects for compliance with fire code.
Plan Review
The review of all plans for construction to insure that they meet the current fire and life safety codes
Smoke Detector and Carbon Monoxide Inspections
To insure the proper number, location, installation and operation at the time of all ownership transfers.
Complaint Investigation
Investigation of complaints regarding unsafe or hazardous conditions, illegal occupancies, and defective alarm systems.
To discuss future projects or fire code information, please contact:
Fire Marshal - Danny Solesbee
233 East Harrison Ave
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Phone: 541-942-4493
Email: dsolesbeeThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.