Movie Night is back on September 13 & 14th 2024
What is a HEARTSafe Community?
Our HEARTSafe Community program is a set of criteria and guidelines designed to improve outcomes to sudden cardiac arrest emergencies through a specific set of training, preparation and response protocols.
This criteria supports the cardiac arrest “chain of survival” and encourages communities to put that chain of survival into action. Activities include:
· Widespread CPR instruction
· Public access defibrillators
· Aggressive resuscitation protocols for first responders and area hospitals
Communities that strive to become “heart safe” must meet the criteria established by the Citizen CPR Foundation. Upon completion, they receive signage and official recognition as a HEARTSafe Community to demonstrate a commitment to citizen health and safety.
To schedule CPR training please complete our CPR Training Request Form HERE
Movie Night is back on September 13 & 14th 2024
Quotes are due by 5:00 p.m. on June 30, 2024, September 30, 2024, and marked to the attention of John Wooten, Fire Chief, 233 E Harrison Ave, Cottage Grove, OR 97424. Submittals shall include a quote that identifies the cost breakdown for the various facets of the work requested. There will be no formal opening of the quotes received. Quotes will not be accepted after the stated submittal deadline date and time, and any late quotes will be rejected.
All questions related to this project should be directed to: Justin Baird, Deputy Chief,
South Lane County Fire & Rescue is seeking candidates to establish a list of qualified individuals for Firefighter/Paramedic for future openings and to fill two openings for Single Role Paramedic. The District will be establishing eligibility hiring lists per the Civil Service Commission Rules. The District anticipates filling position vacancies from both lists.
Firefighter/Paramedics - perform emergency medical procedures along with various fire suppression, prevention, and apparatus operation techniques and activities. District Firefighter/Paramedics routinely work a 48/96-hour shift rotation including assignment to a transporting ALS Medic unit. Firefighter/Paramedics may be assigned to a schedule consisting of 40 and 42 hours per week. This position maintains all District equipment and apparatus through regular inspection programs and includes minor repairs. District personnel are expected to participate in ongoing training and continuing education programs. Personnel under this category are represented by Lane Professional Firefighters IAFF Local 851.
Single Role Paramedics - perform emergency medical procedures assigned to a transporting ALS medic unit. District Paramedics may work a 24-hour or 12-hour shift rotation (based on District needs). This position maintains all District EMS equipment and apparatus through regular inspection programs and includes minor repairs. District personnel are expected to participate in ongoing training and continuing education programs. Personnel in this category are not currently represented by Lane Professional Firefighters IAFF Local 851.
For more information and to download an application please visit our Employment page under Join Us, or click HERE
South Lane County Fire & Rescue will be holding an Executive Session Pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(i) Performance Evaluations of Public Officers and Employees on Thursday July 25, 2024 at 7:00pm. at Station 201 located at 233 E. Harrison Avenue Cottage Grove OR 97424.
A Regular Board Meeting will follow directly after.
A ground ambulance transport in the South Lane County area will cost more than $1,800, and an air ambulance more than $18,000, unless you have FireMed! Health insurance may cover 20-50%. Learn more...
Administration and Headquarters
233 Harrison Ave
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
tel: (541) 942-4493
fax: (541) 942-3367
Business Hours: 8 am to 5 pm Mon-Fri