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Live Fire Training

Live Fire Training

02-17-2013 @ 1100 HRS                     

                South Lane County Fire and Rescue firefighters performed a live fire training event at 676 North 11th Street Cottage Grove on February 17th, 2013. The home was donated by the Bernice Thoreson family, and was no longer being inhabited. This training allowed firefighters the chance to get first hand fire suppression experience in a safe and controlled environment. Live Fire experience is normally something thats only available to firefighters during an actual emergency. South Lane County Fire and Rescue has been given the chance to burn a few more houses later this spring in and around the Cottage Grove and Creswell areas. 

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Structure Fire Halderman Rd, Cottage Grove

2-19-2013 @ 0400 hrs

                  South Lane County Fire and Rescue responded to a structure fire at 78553 Halderman Rd, Cottage Grove at 0400 hrs. this morning. Upon arrival of the first arriving engine company they found the shop behind the residence fully engulfed in fire. The involved structure and its entire contents were destroyed by the fire. No one was injured in the unoccupied building and no damage occurred to neighboring homes in the area. The fire is being investigated by the South Lane County Fire and Rescue Fire Marshal to determine the cause of the early morning blaze.

CONTACT: Joe Raade Division Chief
(541) 942-4493, (541) 556-2642
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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233 Harrison Ave
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
tel: (541) 942-4493
fax: (541) 942-3367

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