The Fire is currently 9-10 acres, the aircrafts and personnel are making good progress. The defensible space around some of the structures is helping to hold the fire away. Good progress is being made.
John Wooten, Fire Chief
The Fire is currently 9-10 acres, the aircrafts and personnel are making good progress. The defensible space around some of the structures is helping to hold the fire away. Good progress is being made.
John Wooten, Fire Chief
South Lane County Fire & Rescue is happy to announce our 2023 CERT training program will begin in November 2023!
South Lane County Fire & Rescue is actively seeking qualified Paramedics for the Single Role - Paramedic position.
South Lane County Fire & Rescue is now accepting applications for our Student Resident program as well as our Reserve program.
A ground ambulance transport in the South Lane County area will cost more than $1,800, and an air ambulance more than $18,000, unless you have FireMed! Health insurance may cover 20-50%. Learn more...
Administration and Headquarters
233 Harrison Ave
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
tel: (541) 942-4493
fax: (541) 942-3367
Business Hours: 8 am to 5 pm Mon-Fri